While top management is used to primarily focus on financial indicators, this approach has now been expanded to include a wide range of non-financial performance metrics. Particularly in human-centric areas, such as human resources, an increase in the complexity and use of so-called non-financial KPIs can be observed.
Employee turnover rate
The employee turnover rate indicates how many employees leave a company within the observation period. For further specification, sometimes the distinction is made between voluntary and involuntary turnover. Companies are advised to strive for a low fluctuation rate.
While a high voluntary turnover rate indicates problems within the corporate culture or the measures in place to retain employees, the involuntary rate provides information about possible inefficiencies in the recruiting process. Companies should carry out a more detailed analysis along with segmentation, particularly in the case of above-average values.
Absence rate
A closer look should be taken at employee attendance rates, particularly in the case of exceptionally high figures or sudden, inexplicable changes. This KPI shows the percentage of absences compared to overall working hours. While this metric often seems trivial, it provides companies with a number of important insights. For example, high absence rates can indicate problems within a team or a lack of motivation on the part of employees.
Employee satisfaction – employee net promoter score (eNPS)
Due to the shortage of skilled workers and the changing demands of new generations, the factor employee satisfaction is gaining more and more importance. However, companies often find it difficult to make clear statements about employee satisfaction without conducting comprehensive and expensive surveys. The eNPS focuses on the question of whether employees would recommend their employer to friends and relatives.
There are countless ways to increase employee satisfaction within a company. Production companies in particular can benefit from increased flexibility in duty scheduling through automation. This can lead not only to an increase in employee satisfaction, but also to a reduction in costs.