Sheepblue in practice at Competec


Competec Logistik AG is part of the Competec Group based in Mägenwil, a Swiss group of companies specializing in the import, distribution and sale of hardware and software as well as consumer electronics, household goods, sports and leisure products. Competec Logistik AG handles all logistics tasks of the Competec Group.


The challenge at Competec and generally in logistics is the seamless interaction of the individual stations. So it is necessary to distribute the staff so that congestion and idling are avoided. Another topic is the fluctuating staffing requirements and the dynamic change from a 5-day to a 6-day work week.

In addition, implementing Sheepblue has pursued three more goals:

  • How can I make the workforce planning faster and reduce the manual effort?
  • How can I guarantee rest periods and agreed working hours without having to painstakingly control the plans?
  • How can I perfectly coordinate the vacations of all employees, so that the operation remains guaranteed without additional resources?


For the test phase, we decided to play through the resource planning and the live operation with several organizational units. After just a few hours of online training, the responsible manager at Competec Logistik were able to independently configure the corresponding optimization strategies and thus carry out the desired operational scheduling.


Using priorities and defined strategies, Sheepblue optimally combines needs with the available employees according to their qualifications. The use of Sheepblue and the associated automated generation of schedules gives Competec Logistik both a great time savings and a better overview than the classic Excel document. Before Sheepblue, the roster was created manually. By using Sheepblue, the manual effort of scheduling was significantly reduced. In addition, rest periods are automatically taken into account by the system and thus eliminates those steps that were necessary before to control the correctness of the roster.

The roster can now be calculated in advance for several months in advance. This makes it easier to plan the vacation and offers the option of switching between a 5-day and a 6-day week more easily. In general this makes it possible to act more demand-oriented and bottlenecks can be identified immediately.

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